Send documents copy email

With DocuSeal, you can send a copy of the signed document to the signers after the document has been signed.

At the account level

  1. When you send documents copy email via account settings, copies of the signed documents are sent to the signers for all the signed documents that take place within your account.
  2. Go to Account settings -> Personalization -> Documents Copy Email Documents Copy Email
  3. When you open the Documents Copy Email, you can turn on the toggle to Attach documents and Attach audit log PDF if you would like to attach both documents. If you would like to attach just copies of the signed documents, then turn on the toggle for Attach documents.
  4. You can also personalize the Subject and the Body of the email to suit your business needs.
  5. You can turn off the toggle for both Attach documents and Attach audit log PDF if you do not want the signer to receive any documents attached via email. Attach documents to the email

At the template level

  1. From the Document Templates view click on the desired template that you would like to send signed document copies via email.
  2. In this example I selected the Vendor Agreement (clone) template. Click on Preferences. Template Preferences button
  3. In the popup that appears select Documents Copy email
  4. You can turn on the Send emails automatically on completion, Attach documents to the email and Attach Audit Log PDF to the email toggles based on your preference for the signers to receive an email with the signed document copy and audit log. Email Template Documents Preferences

  5. Please note that in order to be able to Attach documents to the email and Attach Audit Log PDF at the template level, this selection should be turned on at the account level. (see At the account level section)
  6. You can personalize the Subject and the Body of the email to suit your business needs as well.
  7. You can turn off all the toggle to not send any emails or attachments after a document is signed.