This component allows you to seamlessly integrate an entire document creation and signing form anywhere on your website or application. It supports JS+HTML, Vue, Angular and React.
<script src=""></script>
data-token="<%= JWT.encode({
user_email: '',
integration_email: '',
name: 'Integration W-9 Test Form',
document_urls: [''],
}, 'API_KEY') %>">
data-token required String
JSON Web Token (JWT HS256) with a payload signed using the API key.
Ensure that the JWT token is generated on the backend to prevent unauthorized access to your documents.
user_email required String
Email of the owner of the API signing key - admin user email.
integration_email optional String
Email of the user to create a template for.
template_id optional Number
ID of the template to open in the form builder. Optional when `document_urls` are specified.
external_id optional String
Your application-specific unique string key to identify this template within your app.
folder_name optional String
The folder name in which the template should be created.
document_urls optional Array
An Array of URLs with PDF files to open in the form builder. Optional when `template_id` is specified.
Example: ['']
name optional String
New template name when creating a template with document_urls specified.
Example: Integration W-9 Test Form
extract_fields optional Boolean
Pass `false` to disable automatic PDF form fields extraction. PDF fields are automatically added by default.
data-host optional String
DocuSeal host domain name. Only use this attribute if you are using the on-premises DocuSeal installation.
data-roles optional String
Comma separated submitter role names to be used by default in the form.
Example: Company,Customer
data-fields optional String
A list of default custom fields with `name` to be added to the document. Should contain an array of field properties as a JSON encoded string.
Example: [{ "name": "FIELD_1", "type": "date", "role": "Customer", "default_value": "2021-01-01" }]
Child parameters
name required String
Field name.
type optional String
Field type.
Possible values: heading, text, signature, initials, date, number, image, checkbox, multiple, file, radio, select, cells, stamp, payment, phone, verification
role optional String
Submitter role name for the field.
default_value optional String
Default value of the field.
title optional String
Field title displayed to the user instead of the name, shown on the signing form. Supports Markdown.
description optional String
Field description displayed on the signing form. Supports Markdown.
width optional Number
Field width in pixels.
height optional Number
Field height in pixels.
format optional String
Field format. Depends on the field type.
options optional Array
Field options. Required for the select field type.
validation optional Object
Field validation rules.
pattern optional String
Field pattern.
Example: ^[0-9]{5}$
message optional String
Validation error message.
data-submitters optional String
A list of default submitters with `role` name to be added to the document. Should contain an array of field properties as a JSON encoded string.
Example: [{ "email": "", "name": "John Doe", "phone": "+1234567890", "role": "Customer" }]
Child parameters
email optional String
Submitter email.
role required String
Submitter role name.
name optional String
Submitter name.
phone optional String
Submitter phone number, formatted according to the E.164 standard.
data-required-fields optional String
A list of required default custom fields with `name` that should be added to the document. Should contain an array of field properties as a JSON encoded string.
Example: [{ "name": "FIELD_1", "type": "date", "role": "Customer", "default_value": "2021-01-01" }]
Child parameters
name required String
Field name.
type optional String
Field type.
Possible values: heading, text, signature, initials, date, number, image, checkbox, multiple, file, radio, select, cells, stamp, payment, phone, verification
role optional String
Submitter role name for the field.
default_value optional String
Default value of the field.
title optional String
Field title displayed to the user instead of the name, shown on the signing form. Supports Markdown.
description optional String
Field description displayed on the signing form. Supports Markdown.
width optional Number
Field width in pixels.
height optional Number
Field height in pixels.
format optional String
Field format. Depends on the field type.
options optional Array
Field options. Required for the select field type.
validation optional Object
Field validation rules.
pattern optional String
Field pattern.
Example: ^[0-9]{5}$
message optional String
Validation error message.
data-field-types optional String
Comma separated field type names to be used in the form builder. All field types are used by default.
Example: text,date
data-draw-field-type optional String
Field type to be used by default with the field drawing tool.
Default: text
Example: signature
Custom button title. This button will be displayed on the top right corner of the form builder.
Custom button URL. Only absolute URLs are supported.
data-with-title optional Boolean
Set `false` to remove document title from the builder.
Default: true
email-subject optional String
Email subject for the signature request. Required if `email-body` specified
email-body optional String
Email body for the signature request. Required if `email-subject` specified
Show the "Recipients" button.
Default: true
Show the "Upload" button.
Default: true
Show the "Add Blank Page" button.
Default: false
Show the "Sign Yourself" button.
Default: true
data-with-documents-list optional Boolean
Set `false` to now show the documents list on the left. Documents list is displayed by default.
Default: true
data-with-fields-list optional Boolean
Set `false` to now show the fields list on the right. Fields list is displayed by default.
Default: true
data-with-field-placeholder optional Boolean
Set `true` to display field name placeholders instead of the field type icons.
Default: false
data-preview optional Boolean
Show template in preview mode without ability to edit it.
Default: false
data-only-defined-fields optional Boolean
Allow to add fields only defined in the `data-fields` attribute.
Default: false
data-autosave optional Boolean
Set `false` to disable form changes autosaving.
Default: true
data-i18n optional String
JSON encoded string that contains i18n keys to replace the default UI text with custom values. See template_builder/i18n.js for available i18n keys.
Default: {}
data-language optional String
UI language, 'en', 'es', 'de', 'fr', 'pt', 'he', 'ar' languages are available.
Default: en
data-background-color optional String
The form builder background color. Only HEX color codes are supported.
Example: #ffffff
data-custom-css optional String
Custom CSS styles to be applied to the form builder.
Example: #sign_yourself_button { background-color: #FFA500; }
load optional Event type
Custom event to be triggered on loading the form builder template data.
Example: document.querySelector('docuseal-builder').addEventListener('load', (e) => e.detail)
upload optional Event type
Custom event to be triggered on uploading a document to the template.
Example: document.querySelector('docuseal-builder').addEventListener('upload', (e) => e.detail)
send optional Event type
Custom event to be triggered on sending documents for signature to recipients.
Example: document.querySelector('docuseal-builder').addEventListener('send', (e) => e.detail)
change optional Event type
Custom event to be triggered every time a change to the template is made.
Example: document.querySelector('docuseal-builder').addEventListener('change', (e) => e.detail)
save optional Event type
Custom event to be triggered on saving changes of the template form.
Example: document.querySelector('docuseal-builder').addEventListener('save', (e) => e.detail)