DocuSeal for Legal Services

Seal the Deal with Confidence: Secure, Compliant eSignatures for Legal Professionals

SuLe Hub
The Hoda Law Firm
Open Forest

Why do Legal Services
choose DocuSeal

Make your legal practice more efficient and secure with DocuSeal's eSignature solution.

Legally Binding eSignatures

DocuSeal ensures that all signatures collected are legally binding and compliant with industry regulations such as eIDAS, UETA, and the ESIGN Act. You can trust that your documents will stand up in court.

Secure and Confidential

Your clients' privacy is paramount. DocuSeal offers robust encryption and security features to keep all sensitive legal documents confidential. With self-hosted options, you maintain full control over your data

Seamless Integration

DocuSeal easily integrates with the tools you already use in your practice, such as document management systems and CRMs. This ensures a smooth transition and minimal disruption to your workflow.

Notice exceptional results

10 min

Avg time to get signatures

$30 USD

Cost reduction per doc

40 hours

saved per employee

Key Features for Legal Services

Improve Client Experience

Clients can review and sign documents from any device, anywhere, speeding up case resolution.

Customizable Templates

Create and reuse document templates for contracts, NDAs, and more, saving time and ensuring consistency.

Real-Time Tracking

Monitor the status of your documents in real-time, from when they're sent to when they're signed.

Audit Trails

Every action taken on a document is recorded, providing a comprehensive audit trail for compliance and legal integrity.

Team Collaboration

Work together with your colleagues, even remotely, with tools that allow for easy collaboration on document creation and review.

Reduce Turnaround Times

You can automate routine tasks like document creation, tracking, and follow-ups allowing you to focus on what matters most—serving your clients.

User reviews help us make DocuSeal even better

" The DocuSeal service has been awesome. The user interface is super easy to use and clean. I have also have integrated our system with the DocuSeal API and it's worked great. The company switched from DocuSign and this is so much better. "

Ryan | Engineer

" DocuSeal has nailed their UX. I truly disliked PandaDoc and I struggled to understand how they managed to overcomplicate a product like this. DocuSeal's design is so intuitive and it took me 2 mins to set it all up. "

Gianluca | Technical Product Manager

" I like the simplicity of the UI, which makes it user friendly and intuitive for the non-techie average user. The usability and easy accessibility of the available tools to be used both in the Cloud and On-premise, makes Docuseal a viable alternative to DocuSign. "

Jim | CEO

" If you need your web application to send electronic signature requests I would highly recommend DocuSeal. The API is great, the options are just right. As a developer the UI was super easy for me to set up their PDFs. Going from Test to Live was a simple toggle so I could see both in action. The API had the right features to automate the requirements. "

Alfred | Developer

" We are using DocuSeal because of the possibility of a signature run with external parties, upload of documents up to 400MB and Self-hosted. The Docuseal-Support responds to our requests in a service-oriented, friendly, competent and fast manner. We highly recommend DocuSeal and also use it in our future products. "

Ronald | IT

" I was using Docusign until yesterday when I realized it was not at all meeting my needs. DocuSeal has already been better than Docusign so I'm switching. "

Brian Lee | Accountant

" The DocuSeal service has been awesome. The user interface is super easy to use and clean. I have also have integrated our system with the DocuSeal API and it's worked great. The company switched from DocuSign and this is so much better. "

Ryan | Engineer

" I am very pleased with DocuSeal. Their customer support team is very helpful and responsive. Overall a great experience. "

Mitchell | Head of Technology

" I went from signed up to PDF of contract delivered, signed, countersigned, and delivered, in about 10 minutes on my first try. This is the way software should be. "

STEVEN R. BAKER | Software Developer

" I want to commend the team on such a great product. Our CEO has been unable to keep his mouth shut about it to our clients. They all love DocuSeal and everyone wanted to kick adobe to the curb yesterday. "

Edmund | CSO

" I want to congratulate the team on building such a developer-friendly experience. I've integrated a lot of APIs over the years, and I've never been so impressed with a product's documentation, Postman collection and triggering a webhook test with the last batch of production data which is incredible. Your infrastructure choices and support ethos has made my day so much easier, thank you. "

Simon | Engineer
Ready to streamline your legal services workflows?

DocuSeal is the best eSignature solution for legal professionals. Sign up today and start saving time and money.

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