Speed Up Paperwork at your
Educational Institution
with eSignatures

Ditch the traditional print, sign, scan and store process.
Use DocuSeal to sign, send, and track documents online—quickly, easily, and from anywhere.

Trusted by Schools, Universities and other Educational Institutions

University of California San Diego
Howard University
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Universidad de Navojoa
Bridgeport Public Schools
Sauk Valley Community College

Transform Paperwork at Your Institution

DocuSeal is a secure, easy-to-use eSignature solution that helps educational institutions streamline their administrative processes, reduce paperwork, and save time and money.

Streamlined Enrollment and Admissions

Simplify the admissions process with electronic signatures on enrollment forms, financial aid documents, and consent forms. Reduce delays and eliminate paperwork.

Efficient Staff and Faculty Management

Quickly process employment contracts, offer letters, and HR documents with secure eSignatures, ensuring a smooth and efficient hiring process.

Parental Consent Management

Easily handle parental consent forms for field trips, extracurricular activities, and medical needs. Enhance compliance and communication with digital tracking and storage.

Teacher Lesson Planning

Facilitate collaborative lesson planning by allowing teachers to sign and approve lesson plans digitally.

Cost Savings

Reduce costs related to printing, mailing and storing paper documents, leading to significant savings for schools/universities.

Environmental Impact

Support sustainability initiatives by significantly reducing paper usage with an eSignature solution like DocuSeal.

User-Friendly Interface

Our platform is intuitive and easy to use for staff, students and parents alike to complete multi-step and multi document workflows.

Customizable Solutions

We offer tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of different departments and administrative processes within schools/universities/research institutes.

Educational Institutes with DocuSeal

DocuSeal is trusted by schools, universities, and other educational institutions to streamline their administrative processes, reduce paperwork, and save time and money.

Reduce document handling time by 50%
Reduce the average time to get signatures from days to minutes
Accelerate deal closures each month

How DocuSeal Impacts Institutions


Sign documents from any location, at any time, using any device.


Expedite document signing and enjoy quicker turnaround times.


Benefit from enterprise grade security features including audit trails.

On-Premises Option

Opt for on-premises deployment to maintain FERPA compliance and complete control over your data


Ensure signatures are legally binding with compliance standards like ESIGN and eIDAS.


Integrate effortlessly with any application using our developer friendly APIs and Webhooks.

Mobile Friendly

Sign documents on the go from any mobile device


Incorporate eSigning capabilities directly into your own applications


Experience hassle-free user experience with 24/7 support.

Ready to transform your institution?

Get started with DocuSeal today and optimize your administrative processes, minimize paperwork, and maximize efficiency.

Get Started Today